What is the IELTS full form, IELTS exam fee and Do I need to take the IELTS to study in Canada?

What is the IELTS full form and IELTS exam fee and Do I need to take the IELTS to study in Canada?

If I asked for one English proficiency exam that is globally recognized or the one omnipresent exam that enables any international students to pursue higher studies abroad, the answer would be IELTS. IELTS is a kind of English exam that checks your English proficiency on different parameters such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, but why does a student need to take it before enrolling in colleges and universities abroad? Or to study in Canada do I need to take IELTS?
We will figure out the answers to the above questions in a chronological manner.

What is IELTS and Its full form?

As mentioned above IELTS is a kind of English proficiency test that assesses your English understanding level on different parameters such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The full form of IELTS is International English Language Testing System. It is administered by IDP Education, the British Council, along with Cambridge Assessment English. Every year several people who are willing to fly away from their motherland to any English-speaking country such as Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia, etc. need to appear for the IELTS exam whose main purpose is to study or work. As the number of students is increasingly who are much inclined towards overseas education, the number of test takers is also increasing since it is a reputed and globally recognized exam.


Reason to appear for IELTS exam

Since it is an English proficiency exam the local government needs to be sure that whenever any foreign person comes to their land for any purpose such as study, Immigration or work, he or she is comfortable in their local language i.e. English, and will not face any language barrier. It helps you to make your profile robust and give an assurance to the local community of the English's speaking nations that you will not find any difficulty on the basis of language while staying.

IELTS is widely recognized and accepted by more than 3000 institutions of Australia, Canada, USA, UK, New Zealand, Ireland, and so on.

Exam Pattern of IELTS Exam and IELTS exam fee

IELTS Mainly assesses English-level understanding based on four parameters :

  1. Listening
  2. Reading
  3. Writing
  4. Speaking


Listening - This particular module asses the capacity for understanding concepts, identifying viewpoints and tracking the progression of an argument.

Reading - Reading section checks to assess candidate reading comprehension for general sense, key concepts, and specifics as well as his or her comprehension of the author's conclusions and viewpoints.

Writing - This interesting module determines one's ability to compose a response accurately and efficiently, to organize one's thoughts, and to employ a variety of terminology and language.

Speaking - Speaking checks the ability to convey ideas and knowledge about commonplace subjects and experiences, as well as to articulate and defend the opinions.

Scoring in IELTS and Fee Structure

In IELTS it is all about band scoring between 0-9, it is bands scoring range in IELTS to assess the ability of the candidate. There are four module bands plus one overall module banding scale. The band scores are between 0-9, where 0 is the minimum and 9 is the maximum. Check out the bands score rang as follows :

0 - Did not appear the test
1 - Non user
2 - Random user    
3 - Extremely limited user
4 - Limited user
5 - Sensible user
6 - Proficient user
7 - Good user
8 - Very proficient user
9- Expert user

IELTS Exam Fee Structure - Across the globe to appear for IELTS cost somewhere around US $250, For Indian student the amount to get appeared for this exam is 16,250 INR which has been increased recently.

Types of IELTS Examination

There are two types of IELTS examination

1) Academic IELTS - It is mainly for study purposes or study visa in different study destinations. That means if you are going to any English speaking country for studying then you need to appear for Academic IELTS.

2) General IELTS - General IELTS is for work and permanent residence purposes for different English's speaking destinations.

Another form of IELTS which is pretty popular and You might need to take the IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) exam if you're applying for it to support your application for a UK visa so you can work, study, or reside in the country. You can enroll in General Training or Academic UKVI courses.

Do I need to take the IELTS to study in Canada?

As mentioned above, how crucial IELTS is in your study abroad journey yet many students think that they can go to Canada to study without appearing for IELTS. So just to be clear on this, No Canadian Institutions are giving any waiver to the students who belong to that geographical area where English is not the official language. So yes you will have to appear for IELTS to study in Canada just for the sake of an offer letter from the institutions as well as getting the Canada study permit.

General Requirements of IELTS in UG and PG Programs 

The general requirements of IELTS for undergraduate programs and postgraduate programs vary from country to country and institution to institution. It also depends on the program stream you are choosing such as teaching and nursing programs asking for more bands in IELTS in comparison to business or arts programs.

UG Requirements - The general requirements for IELTS  is 6 (6) for most of the business, IT, Computer science, hospitality, and tourism programs 

PG Requirements - The general requirement for IELTS is 6.5(6) for PG programs in business, Arts, management and IT.

Is it true that if I score high in IELTS, my visa outcome would be positive and I can receive the visa in a faster manner?

As clearly mentioned, IELTS is an English proficiency exam that helps to boost your profile whether meeting the admission requirements of any particular program or getting enrollment in a desired institution. Yes if you score high then there are high chance that your visa application will get accepted but it is not concrete that only based on a high score in IELTS you will get a positive outcome. Visa acceptance depends on certain factors such as academic performance, funds to study abroad, IELTS performance, education history, and solid statement of purpose - justifying why you are planning to go abroad for further studies not choosing your home country? etc. As far as receiving the visa in a faster manner based on a high score in IELTS has nothing to do with anything. Every country has set certain procession time and the outcome would depend only on the given manner time. Best of luck with for applying your study visa.


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