Canada has raised the bar for living cost to study for International Students

Canada has raised the living cost for International Students Now going to Canada for a study visa would be more expensive for international students as per the latest announcement Canada has revised the living cost policy and increased the amount from CAD 10,000 to $20,635. As per the official announcement made by Immigration Minister, Marc Miller By January 1st, 2024, those international students planning to come to Canada and file their study visa on or after 1st Jan 2024 will have to show more than double the amount as a living cost. Now Let's first understand, What is the meaning of the widely used term GIC? Whenever any international student opts for Canada as their preferred destination, the student needs to demonstrate financial stability by presenting a sum of amount to cover their living cost which is apart from tuition fees and travel. In other words, we can say that if we are going to Canada on a study permit, we need to satisfy the authorities that we have enough funds...